What is a Vulnerability Audit?

A vulnerability audit is a multi-disciplinary risk assessment to identify current and potential areas of operational weakness and system flaws that could lead to, or exacerbate, crises.

Our vulnerability audit process will help you:

  • Identify areas of improvement for planning and training efforts.
  • Detect and prevent crises before they can cause significant damage.
  • Dramatically enhance response time.
  • Correct operational weaknesses.
  • Reduce the end cost of crisis situations.

Vulnerability Audit Services

Crisis Document Audits — A review of existing client documents related to crisis preparedness and response, such as crisis communications plans, emergency response policies, disaster plans, etc. This low-cost, flat-rate audit includes creation of a written evaluation with recommendations for improvement.

Executive Session Vulnerability Audits — A single session with the client’s executive team to address organizational vulnerabilities. Upon completion, the consultant prepares a written report of findings and recommendations.

Comprehensive Vulnerability Audits (in-person) — A series of interviews with employees at all levels of the organization and representative members of key external audiences, each conducted in complete confidence. Upon completion, the client will receive a comprehensive audit report for the senior management team.

Customized services and situation-specific consulting are available. Please contact our crisis experts today to discuss.


References available on request. Call (866) 772-5552
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