Thank You for Suing Us?

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management Leave a Comment

Why Taco Bell’s crisis management strategy doesn’t measure up

Taco Bell’s response to claims that their taco filling does not actually qualify as beef was certainly unorthodox, but was it a success? Bruce Bonafede, president of Bonafere communications, doesn’t think so, and in an article for the latest Crisis Manager newsletter he tells you why. A quote:

Running print ads with the headline “Thank you for suing us” may have seemed clever to Taco Bell, but crisis response is no place to be clever. It’s a place to be honest, concerned, informative, two-way, and prompt. Those are what are called the “five tenets of crisis communications” not because crisis management pro Jonathan Bernstein put them in an article, but because they work.

Taking a less than serious approach to a damaging allegation is just one of several mistakes that Taco Bell has made in its crisis management. Check out the rest in Bruce’s article, here.

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