[Editor’s note: Australian crisis expert Dr. Tony Jaques has just published a new book which addresses the challenge of how to balance legal and communication advice when a crisis strikes: Crisis Counsel: Navigating legal and communication Conflict (Rothstein 2020). In this extract, he introduces the idea of what he …
Sorry Joan Jett, Reputation Does Matter
[Editor’s note: Today we’re pleased to share a guest post from Australia-based crisis pro Tony Jaques and his Managing Outcomes newsletter. While what exactly constitutes a “bad” reputation certainly varies depending on factors including industry, past behavior, success level, and many more, to not care at all is rarely …
The Ugly Side of Public Relations
[Editor’s note: This guest post comes to us from Australia-based crisis pro Tony Jaques’ Managing Outcomes e-Newsletter. While part of public relations and crisis management work inevitably involves assisting those who have made mistakes, we agree with Mr. Jaques that there is a line to be drawn between helping …
One more for the Non-Apology Hall of Shame
[Editor’s note: This guest post comes to us from frequent contributor – and our go-to crisis expert “down under” – Tony Jaques. This particularly timely article lands just as we’re seeing a flurry of non-apologies from big names (ahem, Boeing, ahem) and explores the simple steps to take if you’d …
Crisis Management: Through the Lens of Failure
[Editor’s note: Thank you to our colleague Tony Jaques for submitting this post on how crises tint stakeholder’s views of the organizations involved long after they’re gone.] One of the underestimated impacts of a crisis is the fact that every subsequent event is magnified through the lens of the original …
The Biggest Mistakes in Crisis Communications
The 10 Biggest Mistakes in Crisis Communications By Jonathan Bernstein All organizations are vulnerable to crises. Disasters, lawsuits, accusations of impropriety, sudden changes in ownership or management, and other volatile situations will happen. The threat of serious damage to people, property, reputation is real for virtually any organization, and many …
Sexism and Crisis Management
Avoid sexism in messaging, or find yourself knee-deep in crisis management With the U.S. women’s rights movement approaching 165 years in action, one would expect organizations to assiduously avoid sexist comments in their communications. Of course, if every organization did the right thing, then what fun would we have writing …
A Crisis in One Culture May Be Commonplace in Another
It depends on the culture [Editor’s note: We’re pleased to bring you this article from crisis consultant Tony Jaques.] While the Internet and online technology is rapidly flattening out cultural differences, an incident in Australia provides a reminder that what might be commonplace in one country can trigger a reputational …