With very few exceptions, people will tell you that speaking in public terrifies them. Even when it’s to deliver good news! Make it your job to communicate about a negative issue, and suddenly the anxiety cranks up to an 11. While there is no magic formula to remove every …
3 Expert Tips To Help You Through Your Media Interview Or Public Statement
Having trained hundreds of clients for difficult speaking situations like media interviews or angry shareholder meetings we can tell you there’s one constant – people are scared of standing up in front of strangers and talking about bad news. It’s a bit surprising the first few times you see …
Smart or Risky? Starbucks Instructs Employees On Crisis Comms After Former CEO Announces Presidential Bid
Like it or not, when someone’s represented your company publicly for many years that association sticks around after they retire. That’s a lesson Starbucks is learning the hard way after former CEO and chairman Howard Schultz announced that he was considering a 2020 presidential run. Anticipating questions from customers …
3 Tips on Public Speaking from the Experts
Improving your ability to deliver the often-intimidating media interview or public statement According to Psychology Today, people are more afraid of public speaking than death. I see you nodding your heads out there, and to be honest when I first started practicing the skill I felt the same. While it’s …
Air Force Academy Leader Provides Textbook Lesson in Communication
Following a nasty incident in which racial slurs were scrawled outside some student’s doors at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado, Superintendent Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria gathered every cadet in a hall so they could hear his message. What followed was a demonstration of public speaking ability that was …
Crisis Management Quotables…on Body Language
Your voice isn’t the only thing that speaks when it comes to crisis communications While the words you choose certainly do matter when it comes to crisis communication, the way you hold yourself, your facial expressions, appearance, even what color tie you choose, all make a drastic difference in how …