We revisit the embattled Australian company’s situation after the flames die down The hallmark of an intelligent business isn’t that it never encounters trouble, but rather how it manages to continue on afterwards. In a recent blog post, we blasted AussieMite‘s abrasive social media crisis management for stakeholder backlash against …
NSA Snooping Creates Reputation Crisis
New revelations create negative backlash for organizations involved At first, you might think the revelation, oh, sorry, “allegations” that the National Security Agency and the FBI have been tracking info on everything from phone use habits to e-mails and social media messaging would be a major crisis for the organization. …
AussieMite’s Social Media Crisis Management #Fail
Horrible handling of Twitter comments leads to further reputation damage It seems like we just discussed one big marketing blunder down under, but unlike that example, in this case the organization involved turned what was already a reputation ding into a full-blown mess. Drawing negative attention The makers of AussieMite …
Pacer Player’s $75k Homophobic Remark
Put language policies in place to support reputation & crisis management efforts Thanks to the efforts of civil rights groups, and the sheer amount of attention that’s able to be focused on issues because of social media and the ‘net in general, the use of offensive language by public figures …
Preparing for Hurricane Crisis Management
Take steps now to mitigate the risks of hurricane season Every year brings a number of grim reminders as to just how powerful Mother Nature can be, and according to officials from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this year’s hurricane season will be no different. Here are their predictions, …
NASA’s Explosive Asteroid Crisis Management Plan
Not just a movie plot, NASA has a solution in mind Ever watch one of these space-disaster movies and wonder what we would really do if an asteroid was on a collision course with Earth? Luckily for us, so do the people at NASA. Check out what they’ve got in …
Canseco Strikes Out with Oddball Crisis Management
Aggressive online behavior is a major no-no Last week, controversial ex-MLB slugger Jose Canseco took an oddball approach to crisis management after discovering he was under investigation in the alleged rape of a Las Vegas woman. Canseco immediately took to Twitter to discuss the situation, repeatedly sharing the full name …
Rob Ford’s Cracked Crisis Management
Transparent blustering only results in more reputation damage Last week, we discussed the crisis management nightmare that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has landed in after a video, which allegedly shows him using crack cocaine and insulting various constituents, was shown to members of the press. While Ford fended off questions …
The Cost of Bird Flu Crisis Management
Billions lost serve as stern reminder to be prepared for crises China’s most recent bird flu outbreak is a prime example of just how costly food-related crises can be. Although the country appears to have brought the virus under control via strict crisis management protocols — including the closure of …
Disasters Mandate Focus on Healthy Meals
Don’t forget that your body needs fuel when it comes to crisis management planning for natural disasters This coming Sunday marks the start of Hurricane Preparedness Week, and considering the storms that have battered the country over the past couple of years, there shouldn’t be any doubt as to the …
Dream Tours Florida Wrecks Reputation, Fails Crisis Management
Ethics count, people Pursuing shady practices may make you some extra bucks, but the cost will far outweigh the gains when you’re eventually outed. Just look at Dream Tours Florida, the high-end travel company that’s been making a mess of crisis management ever since the New York Post exposed its …
How NOT to Deal with the Press
Neglecting an important aspect of crisis management creates unnecessary risk As the leader of an organization, you should expect to be talking to the media on a regular basis. Apparently, John Tortorella, coach of the NHL’s N.Y. Rangers, missed the memo on that one, because he REALLY hates press conferences, …
Mountain Dew Loses Control, Crisis Management Ensues
How did this mess ever get the green light? Late last month, PepsiCo joined the ranks of organizations that went too far with edgy marketing campaigns and were forced into crisis management as a result. The company partnered with controversial rapper and producer Tyler the Creator to produce a new …
Twitter Finally Talks Crisis Management
Social media crisis management advice straight from the horse’s mouth After the umpteenth Twitter hack of recent memory, in which a false report of explosions in the White House going out from the official Associated Press account actually caused the stock market to dip, the big blue bird is finally …
Hyundai’s Crisis Management for Suicide Video
Always consider the feelings of your audience When it comes to attempts at “edgy” marketing, it’s easy to go too far, creating a self-made crisis. Late last month, Hyundai raced into crisis management mode after an online video featuring its hydrogen fuel cell-powered Hyundai x35 literally brought many viewers to …