Social Synergy

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management Leave a Comment

What’s the relationship between customer service and social media?

Social Customer Relationship Management and Crisis Management are more than buzz words for getting the word out about your online business. When it comes to CRM and social media, the buzz word relates to the way your customers spread the word about customer service. The nice part about social media is that you can immediately identify a problem and then intervene before is grows to epic proportions as opposed to finding out about it months after the fact.

This quote, from the eMentor Marketing blog, nicely sums up the synergy between customer service and social media. Social media is essentially an expanded “word of mouth” system, so when people have a problem with a business they now let not only their friends and family, but anyone who cares to look, know exactly how they feel.

The advantage of this is that you have the ability to scan for and respond to these problem posts, giving you the chance to do your own crisis management by publicly rectifying the situation and hopefully not only retain the upset customer, but also attract more as a result of your solid customer service!

The BCM Blogging Team

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