Responding to Social Media Complaints

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, social media Leave a Comment

Engaging in social media requires a crisis management plan

Brands are now expected to build social media communities but, especially because many are still unfamiliar with the territory, there are risks involved. One of these is the unavoidable fact that someone, somewhere, will eventually be unhappy with your organization and bring their grievance to the Web. Compounding this situation is the fact that much of your conversation will take place very much in public, and not all of those eyes are friendly. In a recent post on their blog, the experts at GenuineMedia gave some solid tips to help navigate exactly this type of issue:

  • Handle the situation quickly. Even if you don’t have an answer or a solution right away acknowledge the fan’s content to let them and your community know you’re listening.
  • Don’t erase a post you don’t agree with. Taking down posts without acknowledging or stating why you’re doing so may make you seem big brotheresque to your readers and fans. You’re community will know when fans are being excessively aggressive and disrespectful.
  • Try to take conversation off line. Contact individual via private email on Facebook or the social media site or through their personal email that may be listed on their social media home page. Be transparent & tell your community that you’d be happy to assist them with their challenge through their email.
  • Apologize when it’s necessary. The power of word of mouth is amazing. Handle the situation in one of authority, but also be compassionate as the individual is highly likely to share their experience with friends, family and co-workers, all of which could be potential customers in the future.

It’s surprisingly simple, but taking these steps will defuse potentially volatile situations almost every time. Without proper crisis management, social media can get ugly. Remember to have a plan beforehand, and stick to it when it’s time for action.

The BCM Blogging Team

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