The Philippine police force is facing international criticism after their bungling of the recent hostage situation in Manila cost eight Hong Kong tourists their lives. Broadcast on nearly every major television network, the incident has destroyed any last remaining shreds of good reputation the force held on to and exposed its lackadaisical crisis management methods. This quote from an article on explains:
Even when the situation looked dangerous, they appeared to be nonchalant and seemingly unconcerned about how the deadly kidnapping could end.
The police negotiators were seen joking and laughing with the disgruntled former cop who demanded to be reinstated in his job in return for releasing the hostages.
In fact, it even had the CNN newscaster asking at some point why the authorities were taking the whole situation so lightly.
This is not the only hostage incident to have taken place in the Philippines recently, and now national attention is being brought to the rising trend. If the issue is not corrected and the country’s image rehabilitated, the negative effects will trickle down to the region’s tourism and hospitality industries, costing both lives and money.
The BCM Blogging Team