Online Communications

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, media training, public relations, reputation management

Some of the most common crises that organizations find themselves facing involve reputation damage, and these days the origin of this damage is more than likely the Internet.

In an interview for the Wildfire Marketing Group’s Thought Leader Thursday blog, reputation management consultant Andy Beal gave his take on why it’s so important to have listen to their customers before issues escalate to crisis level.

The biggest mistake is simply not having official channels in place to allow your customers to complain. Most disgruntled customers post to blogs and Twitter because they feel like they are not being heard by your company. They get frustrated with your lack of customer service and they think to themselves, “I’ll show them, I’ll post a negative review on Yelp/Twitter/Blog.” If companies would simply look at how they’re listening to their customers, and how they escalate and resolve customer service complaints, many of the reputation problems you see would never make it to the web.

The ultimate goal of crisis management is to prevent crises from ever occurring.

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