© 2006 Jonathan Bernstein
Circulation: 4,000+
Estimated Readership: 14,000+
Why No Issue is Being Published Today
Dear Crisis Manager Readers:
I know you're expecting your mid-month issue of "Crisis Manager" today, but I'm in the midst of firefighting on two breaking crises and must put my clients first.
HOWEVER...while one of those situations is a fairly classic reputation threat to a corporate entity, the other is the most unusual case I have worked in my more than two decades of crisis management experience. I am probably, fairly soon, going to take you right into the middle of the latter situation, because we're planning to launch an aggressive Internet-centered public relations campaign in an attempt to influence the public in my client's favor. This is not a matter in the public eye at this time --- rather, the client and I have concluded that justice will not be served by the legal system unless the court of public opinion INSISTS that the legal system stop ignoring certain facts.
Intrigued? I hope so. Look for a special edition of "Crisis Manager" that will tell you more and which will, I believe, spark a lot of broader media coverage.
In the meantime, may your crises be few, and your preparedness level high.
Jonathan Bernstein
Editor, "Crisis Manager"
President, Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc.