Learning From Toyota

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management

Every crisis holds valuable lessons for both those directly affected and their peers. A recent AP article, published on ASICentral.com, asked professionals for some lessons that other business owners can learn from Toyota’s recent crisis management mistakes and got several responses, including one from BCM President Jonathan Bernstein:

“…the best way to deal with a crisis is before it happens, according to Jonathan Bernstein, president of Bernstein Crisis Management Inc., and author of Keeping the Wolves at Bay. He explains that shipping errors or full-blown product recalls can be prepared for in advance with an immediate plan of action. “One of the rules of my business is, ‘The slower the response the more damage you do,’ ” he says.

Toyota was already days into its crisis before it mounted a response and as a result its reputation took a fast, hard dive. Except in rare cases, delays only provide more time for rumor, speculation, and ill-will to spread.

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