Lacking Leadership

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

If you ask employees of any organization, most would say they look to their managers for leadership, inspiration and direction. Despite that, a recent global study has indicated that less that half of all managers feel that displaying these traits is a part of their job. In a post on his Harvard Business blog, John Baldoni discussed both the study and what he feels a manager’s job is:

The study does not measure what I believe most managers think their jobs are: getting things done. But execution without adequate leadership is short-sighted. It will carry a company through a quarter or a year, but it will not provide a foundation for what organizations really need to do, and that is to grow. Leadership requires foresight as well as the ability to execute. Foresight points you in the right direction so that your execution can serve customer needs now and lay the foundation for continued service.

Management sets the tone for the entire company, and are key players when it comes to successful crisis management. If they do not lead, your organization will falter.

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