Government Scrutiny and Crisis Management

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response

After the preceding year’s series of corporate-caused crises caused worldwide shakeups, organizations can expect to face extremely heavy government scrutiny in 2010. In a featured article from our latest Crisis Manager newsletter, Mike Kerwin of Levick Strategic Communications discusses this topic:

Global financial crisis, high-profile recalls, and climate concerns were only a few of the issues that fueled unprecedented consumer and investor anger in 2009. It’s all but a foregone conclusion that legislators, regulators, and attorneys general will seek to leverage this prevailing public sentiment into messaging opportunities during what promises to be a contentious midterm election season. Companies that are unprepared for the spotlight could find 2010’s branding challenges even more formidable than 2009’s.

Thankfully, Kerwin goes on to provide a primer on the most likely sources of government scrutiny so that you can begin to prepare crisis management plans for these scenarios.

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