Google Does Crisis Management Right

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management Leave a Comment

Simple communication pays off

Google has received even more attention than usual (if that’s possible for a page that welcomes millions of users daily) due to a series of articles investigating flaws in its ranking system. While theories abound as to who is behind this sudden influx of attention, it really doesn’t matter because of some smart crisis management by Google, described here in a quote from a PR Daily article by Kevin Allen:

Google hasn’t taken it all on the chin; the search giant is launching a PR counterattack of its own. The message: Spammers and content farms will be punished.

We saw what happened to JC Penney when it attempted to manipulate its search results. Now, Wired is reporting, along with several other news outlets, that Google is taking even more measures to bolster its efforts to silence content farms.

If it turns out that a competitor was behind Google’s negative press, it seems that their PR efforts could backfire. Google is playing this one right by saying, in effect, “We acknowledge the need for change and we’re taking the necessary steps.”

Maybe all the offending parties managed to do in the end was make Google a better product.

Tell people you know there’s a problem, and show what you’re doing to fix it. It’s simple advice, but refusing to take those two steps is the reason many crises progress to dangerous levels. Kudos to Google for nailing it!

The BCM Blogging Team

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