Forewarned is forearmed

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Paying attention to rumors will give you a leg up in crisis management

While every business will experience crises, some are more likely to be thrust into the public eye as a result. Government contractors are certainly in that category, and as result must take extra care certain to have relatively bulletproof crisis management plans in place. In an article for Washington Technology, Bosocobel Marketing Communications CEO Joyce Boss gave some good advice for this particularly vulnerable industry:

Forewarned is forearmed. By attending government events and meetings, you may hear rumors and/or gossip, which could signal trouble ahead. When employees hear something negative, they should contact a department head and the PR office. Gossip and bad news travel fast, whether inside or outside the Beltway. The crisis communications team can address each situation to determine potential next steps.

Gossip and hearsay are eerily accurate indicators of brewing crises because they can portray public sentiment regarding your organization, especially in the oft-discussed world of government and big business. While obviously everything should be taken with a grain of salt, when reports of rumors start flooding in, it’s time to take a look at yourself.

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