Crisis Preparedness

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, reputation management

There are five steps to effective crisis preparation. If you don’t follow them before a crisis breaks, you risk serious reputation and financial damage, not to mention harm to employees or other stakeholders. In the latest Crisis Manager newsletter, BCM President Jonathan Bernstein gives a preview of one of his own professional white papers, called, “Crisis Preparedness Ins and Outs – Operational & Communications Response to Crisis.” In this excerpt, Jonathan describes a procedure he developed to assess the possible crises an organization is likely to encounter:

A Vulnerability Audit is a multi-disciplinary risk assessment to determine current and potential areas of operational and communications weakness and strength, and to identify potential solutions, because weaknesses may result in emergencies or crises of varying magnitudes if not corrected. Ideally, every functional area of an organization is examined to identify anything that could lead to or exacerbate a crisis.

Along with several other valuable steps in the crisis preparation and prevention process, the newsletter article also contains a link where readers may request a full copy of the white paper directly from the organization it was authored for, MissionMode Solutions.

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