Crisis Management Through the Customer’s Eyes

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response

I’m probably the last person you want to hear from now. I’m what you call a customer. Chances are, you don’t know me. You’re fast asleep when you fly over me on red-eyes. You profess undying love for me in company lore—and ignore me in practice. You’ve built a Byzantine infrastructure to insulate yourself from me. And now you want my understanding and forgiveness.

So let me spare you an eye-popping billable from some media guru. Fact is, you’ll never appease those talking heads on cable. To save your brand, you’ll need to reconnect with people like me. And you’ll accomplish this only by looking at the world through our eyes.

This quote, from a BusinessWeek article, introduces an idea that often revolutionizes an organization’s crisis management plans – looking through the eyes of the customer. While it is common for most every business to have some type of crisis management plan in place, taking the viewpoint of an outsider can reveal serious flaws that would otherwise go undetected until an actual crisis strikes and the court of public opinion tears you to pieces.

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