We frequently discuss crisis prevention and response, but a topic that’s not touched upon as often is the clean-up phase. In an article penned for the latest Crisis Manager, Jonathan Hemus, founder of Insignia Communications, explains his way of thinking:
Getting through a crisis successfully can suck every bit of energy from individuals as well as a company: it seems to occupy every thought, decision, and action of executives, and to some extent all employees. So when the heat of the crisis subsides, it’s tempting to move on as quickly as possible and return to “business as usual”. Big mistake.
Even when the crisis appears to be over and life starts to return to a state of normality there are still a number of items to be addressed, and they must not be ignored.
Crisis management is not a process that simply ends; if measures are not taken after a situation is resolved to both protect against and/or eliminate the causes of a crisis, it is bound to happen again.
Jonathan Bernstein