Moving Sale!

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, reputation management

The Bernstein Crisis Management bookstore is now a part of our main site! Full of in-depth information created by me and others whose work I consider to be a superb investment for anyone wanting to improve their crisis management skills; everything in the store is currently 30% off! This deal’s …

Good Medicine

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, reputation management

Successful reputation management strategies include ways to bolster image and increase exposure during times of economic upheaval. Drug giant Pfizer’s got the right idea, announcing Thursday they will be raising the income levels of uninsured people who qualify for discounted or free drugs by over $15,000. If a well-timed act …

Rapid Crisis Response

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, search engine optimization

In today’s digital age crisis response needs to be nearly instantaneous, especially in a tight political race. A recent article from the Tech Daily Dose explains: “As news breaks, people go online to find more information. Savvy political advertisers take advantage of that spike in interest to get their message …

Focus on Reputation

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, reputation management, strategic reputation management

According to an article from Property & Casualty Magazine, the numbers of companies throughout the world actively utilizing reputation management as an integral part of their crisis management strategies are steadily rising. Conference Board’s Research Working Group made the following recommendations for companies to safeguard reputations: – Actively involve boards …

Weathering the Storm

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, media training

The primary goal of crisis management is to provide an organization strong moorings from which to weather the storm that is a breaking crisis through training, crisis prevention and response plans, etc. In this article from, management guru Jim Collins explains the ways in which great companies take advantage …

Missing the Point

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, public relations, reputation management

In keeping with the theme of corporations with a complete disregard for reputation management, disgraced insurance group AIG’s appearance before the House Financial Services Subcommitee yesterday did nothing to change public sentiment towards them. “We understand that since our relationship with the Government and taxpayers had changed, our behavior as …

Not the Best Buy

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, internet reputation management, public relations

If there’s ever been a company in need some serious reputation management it’s Best Buy. They’re in the news again for mistreating customers, this time busted by for lying about price matching and delivery, among other policies. The article also includes a list of excuses managers allegedly supplied to …

Pandemic Response

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

The business of handling national disasters is crisis management on a large scale. Currently, the Department of Health and Human Services is gearing up for a possible pandemic of avian flu. Predicted by many scientists, the timing of this pandemic is unknown. The government has done the right thing and …

Can You Handle The Truth?

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis management expert

Knowing when someone is telling you the truth is very beneficial to those in the crisis management field; understanding the reality of a situation is critical if you want to cover all the angles. In addition, if you have to pitch your services, knowing when a potential client is really …

Blog’s the Word

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis public relations, reputation management

“When your company or your name is being bombarded with negative commentary, your reputation is on the line and fast response is critical. One of the most effective tools in your arsenal is going to be blogging.” Blogs have moved from obscurity into the mainstream, covering topics from the absurd …

Hamburger – no make that Homeowner – Helper

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, reputation management

President Obama’s mortgage assistance programs give banks an excellent chance to get some good PR and repair their reputations simply by doing what was mandated – providing assistance to homeowners who are having difficulties. Unfortunately, it appears that not everyone is taking advantage of this opportunity. After hearing a reader’s …