Penny Sansaveieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., is a best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and media relations expert. In the latest Crisis Manager newsletter, she shares with us how to survive an online attack on your reputation. With all the ways to get media these …
All New Crisis Manager
We’ve just finished uploading a new issue of the Crisis Manager newsletter to the website! Thanks to feedback from you, the readers, our focus on online crisis management continues in this issue. As usual, the main features are a couple of articles from some incredibly talented guest writers. Our first …
Trouble at the TSA
The TSA has been doing a pretty good job of keeping airline passengers safe by instituting new security measures and protocols throughout the nation. They are about to be doing some serious crisis management, though, after a major misstep involving presidential campaign funds, an iPhone and the U.S. Constitution. Steve …
The Year in Crisis Management
The Institute for Crisis Management released their 18th Annual Crisis Report recently, which includes the important caveat that “This does not represent every crisis, but those business news editors determined of interest to their readers.” Compared to 2008, crises were up slightly. The most significant increase was in negative news …
They Lost What??
Airlines sometimes send luggage to the wrong city, but in this case one airline sent a child to the wrong state.This is not how you want the first line of a major news report about your company to look. Continental Airlines recently “lost” a ten-year old girl who was flying …
Pick Your Fights
It’s no rare occurrence for a comedian to take some cheap shots at a politician, but when David Letterman compared Sarah Palin to a “slutty flight attendant” and insulted her daughter, she took exception. Palin made her anger known in several national TV interviews, throwing Letterman into crisis management mode …
Creating Faith
After the stock market and financial fiascos of the past couple of years, many investors are still extremely reluctant to trust any business with their money. They have shown their lack of faith often by simply not investing, other times by forcing out the CEO’s who mismanaged their money. A …
Once again a household brand is finding itself in need of some serious crisis management. A growing campaign, spreading via Twitter and other social media, is aiming to stop cellular provider AT&T’s plan to charge subscribers an additional $200 to upgrade to the newest iPhone if they are not finished …
The Do’s and Don’ts
One aspect of crisis management that has really come to the forefront in the past few years has been online reputation management. The reason this field is growing so rapidly is due to the nature of the Internet. It is most certainly a double-edged sword; communication is so fast and …
We often think of crisis management as used in the work environment, but really it can be applied almost anywhere. The volunteers from the Fountain Hills-based CARE/FH team, a crisis response unit for traumatized victims, are more than familiar with the term. A quote from an interview with co-founder Victoria …
Data Disasters
Retailer TJ Maxx holds the dubious honor of having the largest data theft ever, with over 45 million credit and debit card numbers stolen from their IT systems back in 2007. Crisis management experts know that data breaches can be one of the most devastating types of crises to deal …
Food Gatherers
Food Gatherers, a food rescue and distribution group, supplies food to subsidize the poor and jobless throughout Washtenaw County, Michigan. They supply food to 150 different organizations which provide over 7,000 meals a day to local families, all through the generosity of a meager 300 donors. Now, as you can …
Ba-Da Bing!
Whether your business is crisis management or something else, a search engine is probably your most frequently visited site. The latest entry to the market is Bing, brought to you by a name few would have difficulty recognizing, Microsoft. Touted not only as a search engine but also a “decision …
New Crisis Manager Newsletter!
The latest edition of Crisis Manager just hit the BCM website! In this issue, I share some of the many tools I use for Internet reputation management – everything from custom Twitter apps to full on media monitoring programs. In addition, this week’s guest article features some lessons learned from …
Rover Revenge
Range Rover has marketed themselves as the ultimate in SUV’s, and with a price tag that would make most people’s blood pressure skyrocket they should be backing that claim up 100%. Judging from a UK Telegraph article published today, it appears one of their dealerships hasn’t been making customer satisfaction …