The time is coming near again for the UK Red Cross Disaster Response Challenge. A true test of real-world crisis management strategy and skill, the two-day event is built around a simulated humanitarian disaster which you and your team will be tasked with responding to. Participants will the rare opportunity …
French Pirates Go Into Crisis Management Mode
When your company takes a strong public stance on an issue, displaying any behavior that contradicts that position is very dangerous. If you need proof, look no further than the crisis management French anti-piracy group Hadopi, who was caught red-handed last week using a font which was created exclusively for …
Pampers Crisis Management
Failing to control your brand’s story is one of the most common, and most dangerous, mistakes in the corporate world. With the amount of credence now given to information on the Internet, a few vocal people with time on their hands can cause a serious problem. Manufacturer Proctor & Gamble …
Bad Tweet Forces Crisis Management
A UK man has found himself doing serious personal crisis management after making a joking reference to blowing up Robin Hood airport on his Twitter page. Although it initially drew no response, once someone brought it to the attention of authorities they reacted quickly. The Independent UK reports: Unfortunately for …
J&J Fails Crisis Management
Johnson and Johnson’s 1982 Tylenol recall set a precedent for effective crisis management, laying out the guidelines of communication, cooperation and transparency. Because of this, it comes as a surprise that they recently strayed from their practices by failing to react to customer complaints or FDA questioning about many of …
Crisis Management for Technology
The ever-increasing level of connectivity among devices and services has made handling large volumes of personal or business information easy, whether you’re at home, the office, or on the go. Along with new technology comes new risks as well, as this quote from an AP article demonstrates: A Georgia mother …
Twitter’s Role in Crisis Management
In the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake, Twitter again is playing a key role in providing communications and news, as are other social networking sites, cementing their role as information providers during a time of crisis. Twitter, a micro-messaging blog that limits posts to 140 characters, has been dominated by …
Crisis Management for Haiti
The U.S. has pledged to provide as much aid as possible to the people of Haiti after an earthquake devastated the small nation earlier this week. and has already began to move an aircraft carrier, Coast Guard cutters and a Marine unit into the area. Unfortunately, there are significant issues …
Crisis Management and Social Media
The advent of social media has presented valuable new tools for public and shareholder relations, but organizations cannot use these tools recklessly or they risk a crisis, as this quote from a blog by corporate counsel Douglas J. Wood explains: On the one hand, companies want to capture the …
Blagojevich Failing Crisis Management
Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been on a media blitz of the most sensational kind since his arrest for allegedly attempting to sell President Obama’s vacated Senate seat. His latest dumb move was to state in an interview for Esquire that he is “blacker than Barack Obama,” which immediately drew …
Mommy Crisis Management
When huge posters reading “Career Women Make Bad Mothers” began to appear on the sides of buses and buildings through London, it didn’t take long for the public to react and force the ads to be pulled. This quote from a San Francisco Chronicle article explains how, as well as …
Supply Chain Crisis Management
Disruptions in your organization’s supply chain can result in many different types of crises, as everything from customer relations to your bottom line relies on a steady flow of goods and services. recently interviewed Phil Renaud, vice president of risk management at Exel, and this is what he had …
Twitter Forces Crisis Management
When the New York Times broke a story about retailer H&M destroying and discarding large amounts of unsold clothing, the organization refused to comment. Their error in crisis management was picked up by astute Tweeters and suddenly H&M found itself in trouble, as this quote from a Technorati blog explains: …
Ready for Crisis Management
We constantly see examples of public relations gone wrong in the news, cases where organizations neglected crisis prevention and are left to fight the resulting fires. In an article for Crisis Manager, titled 10 Hidden Ways to Sink Yourself in 2010, Jeff Chatterton uses real examples to demonstrate ways your …
Mobile Phone Crisis Management
When it comes to mobile phone security, taking a few easy-to-implement precautions can mean the difference between a minor loss and a corporate crisis. In an article for the latest Crisis Manager newsletter, BCM President Jonathan Bernstein shares some insight into the dangers that these devices can pose: What type …