Inflation, Job Anxiety, and Grievance: A Recipe for Civil Unrest in 2025 By Oscar Villanueva, TAL Global Economic fears and eroding trust in institutions are creating a volatile mix that threatens global stability. Inflation, shifting job markets, and widespread misinformation are fueling grievances. This will almost certainly lead to civil …
5 Common Workplace Safety Hazards
Ignoring these workplace dangers could cost you Accidents in the workplace are a threat to your organization. They cost you in a number of ways, from direct cash payouts to lost productivity, damaged files, and more. Yet, when we conduct vulnerability audit walkthoughs, we typically spot several hazards within minutes of …
Handling Workplace Emotions Following a Disaster
[Editor’s note: The following guest post from Dr. Vali Hawkins Mitchell and Kristen Noakes-Fry takes a look at an aspect of crisis management for which many managers are extremely unprepared.] When I arrived in New York City in September of 2001, I knew what my job was, even though my mind …
Do Your Crisis Management Plans Include Loss of GPS?
Heavily-used technology is frighteningly easy to disrupt EVERY day for up to ten minutes near the London Stock Exchange, someone blocks signals from the global positioning system (GPS) network of satellites. Navigation systems in cars stop working and timestamps on trades made in financial institutions can be affected. The incidents …
Arguments in the Workplace – Crises Waiting to Happen
Playing referee among feuding employees is no easy task for small-business owners. Unlike their large-company counterparts, entrepreneurs typically don’t have the option of separating quarrelsome workers by relocating one to another office or department. But human-resources experts say reaching a resolution is critical, as frequent arguments between employees can result …