Chik-Fil-A’s Data Breach Response Just OK

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

A decent response that lacked one critical ingredient It appears we can belatedly add Chik-Fil-A to the list of organizations hacked in 2014, as reports have emerged stating the fast food chain was bleeding data from Dec.2, 2013, to Sept. 30, 2014. To its credit, Chick-fil-A did release a statement …

Ebola Handling Error Bad Sign for CDC

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, health crisis, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Is the agency walking its talk when it comes to crisis management and safety protocol? The CDC is supposed to be setting the standard for coping with Ebola, but a recent slip brought about a major backlash from the scientific community. The NY Times’ Denise Grady and Donald G. McNeil, …

How Has Social Media Impacted Breaking News?

Jonathan Bernstein communications, crisis communication, crisis communications, crisis management, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, PR, public relations, reputation management, social media 23 Comments

Knowing about factors that influence reporting will help your crisis management There’s no doubt that social media has affected the way breaking news is reported, for better and for worse. Regardless of whether you believe it’s been a boon or a bane, you need to be versed on the changes …

Jonathan Bernstein on the Sony Hack and Next Steps

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, cybersecurity, data breach, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Can the movie studio recover, and if so, how? The Sony Hack is an unprecedented event that could very easily become the new norm. After all, hackers have proven their ability to penetrate just about any system they want time and time again over the past couple of years, and …

Disarming Social Media Attacks

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, internet crisis management, internet reputation management, Jonathan Bernstein, online crisis management, online reputation management, PR, public relations, reputation management, social media, social media crisis management, social media reputation management 2 Comments

[Editor’s note: The following is a great example of real-life crisis management methods used by PR pro Karl Robe to cope with an unrelenting upset customer that took her complaints to social media and beyond.] Dealing with problem stakeholders on social media A national retailer client of Karl James & …

Board Members and Their Role in Crisis Management

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

A look at some crisis management musts for these key players Boards of directors play a crucial role in guiding their organizations through the crisis management process. It is, quite literally, the board who often determines whether a company will sink or swim, making this advice from Forbes contributor Davia …

UK Police Force Accidentally Reveals Journalistic Snooping

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Why leaks, accidental or otherwise, need to be covered in your crisis management plans Last week, the Daily Dot reported that a UK police department had utilized legislation aimed at preventing terrorism to snoop on journalists. The department was found out after accidentally releasing the documents, a mistake that should …

Getting the Most out of Your Press Releases

Erik Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Maximize effectiveness and ROI While social media and digital communications are getting all the buzz, a strong press release still has its place in both traditional PR and crisis management. So, what exactly makes for a good press release? VerticalResponse offered their thoughts in this helpful infographic: The BCM Blogging …

Search Engines and PR Success

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, internet crisis management, internet reputation management, Jonathan Bernstein, online crisis management, online reputation management, PR, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

If nobody can see your content, what good is it doing? Let’s face it, nobody is scrolling through pages and pages of a search for anything. These days, not being on the front page of a Google search is almost as good as not being there. Whether you’re doing traditional …

Crisis Management Quotables…on Living Up to Your Words

Erik Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis management quotables, crisis management quotes, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

A lesson on the value of walking your talk Although executive coaches are often lampooned, those who truly know what they’re doing impart some impressive lessons upon their pupils. Steve Farber is a particularly quotable one, and you’ll quickly see why we’ve selected the line below as our Crisis Management …

Ubisoft and The Connection Between Crisis & Share Price

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Lose reputation, lose money Losing reputation will cost you money. While this correlation was sometimes nebulous in the past, more and more cases are coming to light that show crises having a direct impact on share price, a stat no C-suiter can ignore. Ubisoft’s “Assassin’s Creed” games have made up …

Cheeky Crisis Management Advice for Congress

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, political crisis management, PR, public relations, reputation management, Weiner Awards Leave a Comment

CNN takes a jab at members of Congress and their frequent self-imposed crises Lawmakers have been landing themselves at the center of scandal since, well, forever. While in the past rumor and innuendo swirled around the Washington elite, the digital age has brought their bad behavior into the limelight. To …

“Blackfish” a Whale of a PR Problem for SeaWorld

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Any PR is good PR? Think again. Recent years have seen the old adage, “any PR is good PR” disproven on a regular basis, and the story of Seaworld in the wake of “Blackfish”, the documentary that cast a dark light on the park’s operations, is another prime example. SeaWorld …

Takata’s Crisis Management – as Faulty as its Airbags?

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, PR, public relations, recall, reputation management 1 Comment

Poor communication in the wake of crisis can quickly lead to catastrophe Takata, the company behind the faulty airbags that have led to widespread vehicle recalls, was already taking serious heat from its clients. Now, allegations from former employees that executives ordered technicians to destroy the results of tests conducted …

Crisis Management Quotables…on Looking Confident

Erik Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis management quotables, crisis management quotes, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Seeing is believing when it comes to having competence and confidence to get the job done World-class athletics are not only about the physical battle, but the mental game. A perfect example is Arthur Ashe, who combined extraordinary talent with superb understanding of a winning mentality to break barriers and …