In today’s tech-fueled world, service outages can cause a crisis faster than you can possibly imagine as disgruntled users turn to social media and other highly visible outlets to voice their frustrations. The makers of the BlackBerry, RIM, are no strangers to this issue, having suffered through several high profile …
Manage the Media
There have been at least two major structural changes in how and why the media cover companies: the first is related to the rise of shareholder coalitions, and the second is the continued advance of Internet-based communications. These two trends are catching many in top management by surprise. Organized labor, …
Media Double Standards
Often, it appears that the media has a double standard when it comes to what is deemed newsworthy. When the person involved is a celebrity, athlete, or some other polarizing figure, what would normally not even be a blip on the radar suddenly becomes the target of a media blitz. …
Preparing for the Unpredictable
Regardless of whether your organization is a small business or a multi-national corporation, planning how to prevent and respond to crises can greatly reduce their impact. An article from the O&P Business News which prominently quotes Bernstein Crisis Management President Jonathan Bernstein, has more to say on the subject: Preparing …
Major Bimbos
Merrie Spaeth’s Bimbo Awards are always good for a look at what not to do when you find yourself in need of some crisis management, and this month she found some real doozies in the media, including this one, which she (very appropriately) placed in her “Wrong Things to Say” …
Tunnel Vision
While the onset of a crisis can be devastating, it will only hurt your business further if you develop tunnel vision and put a halt to everything in order to handle the issue. This quote from part three of a five-part blog series by The Wordmonger, a professional PR group, …
Brand Disasters
One important lesson for crisis managers is that the news media demand a “shorthand” way of identifying any story, and a company brand is a very convenient option, especially in a crisis. Witness the “BP Texas Fire”, the “Tylenol disaster”, the “Intel Pentium chip” failure, and the “Firestone tyre” scandal. …
Mobile Workforce
A new survey is indicating that many employers may be in trouble in the coming year, as a full sixty percent of the members of the workforce polled indicated that they intended to leave their current job to pursue new opportunities as the economy improves through 2010. A quote from …
Crisis Manager…in Color!
We’ve just sent out the latest issue of our Crisis Manager newsletter, which is now being distributed (for the first time!) in full-color HTML format, and I’d like to say a special thank you to all of my subscribers who toughed it out while we made the switch. For this …
Online Communications
Some of the most common crises that organizations find themselves facing involve reputation damage, and these days the origin of this damage is more than likely the Internet. In an interview for the Wildfire Marketing Group’s Thought Leader Thursday blog, reputation management consultant Andy Beal gave his take on why …
Obvious Necessity
Although it may seem an obvious necessity to readers of this blog, believe it or not there are still organizations out there operating without crisis management plans in place. An article recently posted on the AusBusiness Review did an excellent job of summing up the reasons no business should overlook …
Golden Rules
Speaking to the media when your organization is in crisis is certainly one of the more daunting tasks in public relations. Although no substitute for experience, Jonathan Hemus, founder of Insignia Communications, has written his “Ten Golden Rules for the Crisis Spokesperson” to help you on your way. One of …
Boston Terror Suspect
In an editorial for the September 1, 2007 edition of Crisis Manager, I predicted that it was only a matter of time before terrorists struck malls, theme parks and other popular public locations in the United States. Information recently released by the federal government shows that this prediction has already …
Evolution of Communication
Crisis communications is a constantly changing field. In his article, “The Evolution of Crisis Communication,” written for the latest Crisis Manager,Thomas E. Lee uses his experiences, both past and present, to create a list of five principles integral to crisis communications success in 2009. How are the rules different now, …
Hot off the Presses!
As promised, we’re releasing an extra Crisis Manager already for last month’s dearth of same. This issue again features articles from two talented authors. In the first, new guest author Thomas E. Lee looks into his own past to examine the ways in which crisis communications have evolved over the …