A dangerously overlooked aspect of social media management Twitter hashtag hijackings have been happening faster than we can cover them. The shellacking the New York Police Department took as a result of attempting to employ the #myNYPD hashtag was just the latest in a string of incidents that, quite frankly, …
Emerging Info Weakens GM’s Crisis Management Effort
How should the embattled automaker react? What do you think is one of the most damaging pieces of information that could emerge when you’re in the midst of crisis management for a massive mistake? If you said evidence that you’ve made that same mistake more than once, you must be …
Drunk Driver May Head to Jail for Social Media #Fail
Another candidate for the 2014 Weiner Awards Several of this year’s Weiner Award nominees have cost themselves serious money, lost reputation, and derailed their own careers, but so far none of them put themselves on a path to the slammer…until now. 22-year-old Colleen Cudney has been on probation for a …
Revealing Photos Land Candidate in Running for Weiner Awards
Don’t hurt your reputation by leaving private photos where the world can see Shoving their face between the breasts on a mannequin, sitting buck naked in a hammock drinking a beer, and stripping at a party. Sounds like Spring Break for a boozing college kid, right? Not so much. In …
Crisis Management Quotables on…Nobody Likes a Lecture
Communication is a two-way street Many of our Quotables come from celebrities or famous philosophers, but how about one from a man who’s been in the trenches of the crisis management field for decades? Communication that isn’t interactive is lecturing — Jonathan Bernstein Already reconsidering the value of your past …
Jenny McCarthy’s #JennyAsks Hashtag Hijacked
The dangers of social media self-promotion Twitter hashtag hijackings have become a common form of both protest and entertainment for the Internet crowd. McDonalds has run awry of this several times recently, most notably with its #McDStories campaign that drew out thousands of extremely creative, and often stomach-turning, tweets tweaking …
Mary Barra, the Woman in the Hot Seat
[Editor’s note: The following guest post comes to us from the always-brilliant Merrie Spaeth, President of Spaeth Communications and creator of the infamous BIMBO Memo.] Mary Barra, GM’s new CEO, and the first woman to head a major car company, is scheduled to testify before Congress this week. The topic …
Tips for Social Media Crisis Management Success
You WILL find yourself doing social media crisis management sooner rather than later By now pretty much everyone will admit the need to be prepared for social media crisis management, but far fewer can honestly say they’re ready to cope with a breaking situation. In a nice infographic, 360 Public …
Execs Neglecting Social Media Crisis Management
Dangerous lack of concern for social media issues among company leadership creates reputation risk Situations like the recent Hot Pockets recall, where a supply chain problem spiraled quickly into a crisis on Facebook and Twitter, are proof of the new reality – every negative incident has the potential to create …
How to Plan for Any Crisis Management Scenario
Having crisis plans in place will immensely increase your chances of coming out in one piece While we’re seeing an increase in the number of organizations that have crisis management plans, the vast majority of those plans are still woefully inadequate. In a recent interview, NFIB.com’s Adam Wren asked our …
Crisis Management Quotables…on the Danger of Neglect
Don’t let a lax attitude put you out of business Any time you see the name Kennedy, you know you’re dealing with a power player. Although Rose Kennedy made her reputation largely as a philanthropist and socialite, there’s no doubt she had her hand in some serious business dealings. With …
Social Media Defamation Costs Youngster $105k
Don’t create a costly social media crisis That things you say or do on social media have real-life repercussions is undeniable, and with legal precedents now being set in countries around the world you’d better believe ignoring this fact can land you in deep trouble. Just recently Tony Jaques, our …
We’d Take Mike Rowe on our Crisis Team
[Editor’s note: A big thank you to frequent contributor Kim May for sending this case our way! If you spot a story you think would be a good fit for our blogs, email [email protected]] Whether you agree with his position or not, it’s undeniable that Rowe has natural crisis management …
Social Media Crisis Management: When Do We Respond?
If you haven’t found yourself asking this question already, it’s coming To respond, or not to respond, and how the heck are we supposed to respond anyways? This is a question posed by those faced with a need for social media crisis management on a daily basis, and one to …
Fake Online Reviews and Your Business
Could this case set a new precedent when it comes to online reputation management and the law? No sooner did we finish discussing the fact that Yelp itself acknowledges 16% of the reviews submitted to its site to be fakes (which leaves, in our opinions, a significantly higher actual number …