How has this crisis management discipline evolved, and where should it be headed? Emergency management is one of the most intensive types of crisis management due to the fact that, in many cases, lives are literally at stake. It’s a field that’s constantly changing and evolving, as well as putting …
Good Advice, Badly Delivered
[Editor’s Note: The following post from Jerry Brown’s Monday Morning Media Minute newsletter addresses the issue of conducting crisis management without creating more risk through the methods and verbiage you put to use.] I think it’s safe to say things aren’t going well when you feel compelled to tell employees …
Crisis Management Quotables…on Why Hiding Doesn’t Cut It
Duck and cover is not a crisis management strategy Leave it to a legendary college football coach to understand dealing with the media! Paul “Bear” Bryant spent 25 years as the University of Alabama’s head coach, amassing an absolutely incredible 323-85-17 record and chalking up an immense number of press …
30 Lessons from 30 Years of Crisis Management
30 Lessons from 30 Years of Crisis Management Jonathan Bernstein got his start in crisis management when he helped launch one of the earliest crisis communications practices in the U.S. as part of a national PR office. Branching off to form Bernstein Communications, which would later become Bernstein Crisis Management, …
Customer Rage and Crisis Management Infographic
Why taking care of angry customers is a crisis management concern Making a habit of upsetting your customers is a sure path to crisis, yet many organizations still aren’t managing to keep folks happy. With the average consumer checking social media before making any major purchase and bad experiences being …
False CNN iReport on “Deadly” Asteroid Causes Panic
Allowing its name and logo on unvetted content leads to trouble for CNN CNN’s iReport is an attempt to put reporting in the hands of the people, but looked at from a crisis management standpoint, it’s full of reputation dangers for the network. CNN’s iReport allows amateur e-reporters to publish …
EU Google Ruling’s Implications for Crisis Management
What will be the impact of forcing removal of search results? In the May 15 issue of Crisis Manager, Bernstein Crisis Management social media manager Erik Bernstein discussed the EU ruling that was to force Google to remove certain links from search results. This subject was the topic of some …
Antivirus Maker’s Crisis Management for Data Breach
More proof that nobody is invulnerable to cyber attacks In the last Crisis Manager of 2013, we predicted cyber crises would explode this year, and explode they have. What was once a fringe crime that often went unnoticed by both victims and the media has become big business, and it …
Crisis Management Tools: A Lie Detector for Tweets
Will a program be able to sort fact from rumor on social media? Social media rumors have created crises not only for those who find themselves the focus of said rumors, but also those who propagate the untruths. Now, European researchers say they have created a system which would help …
If a Bounce House Can Be the Site of a Crisis…
ANYONE can encounter crises In this blog we often repeat the message that every business needs a crisis management plan. In the real world, though, there seem to be many in lines of work where they just don’t see what the risks could be. If you fall into that category, …
Responding to Social Media Crises
How you react can make all the difference Let’s be real here – no matter how hard you try to avoid trouble, it’s not only possible, but also quite likely, that you’ll eventually encounter the need to do a bit of social media crisis management. Considering that the way you …
Reputation Management Tips from the Financial Industry
A push for change in the world of finance holds lessons for other industries Preventing reputation threats caused by customer dissatisfaction is a common goal of crisis management, and for the financial world (and many other tightly regulated industries) it has the added benefit of helping you avoid running afoul …
Talk About Easily Preventable…
Another example of a social media crisis that should have been avoided Social media chats have backfired for large corporations like JPMorgan and McDonalds for fairly predictable reasons, yet their peers seem to be learning nothing as they voluntarily dive headfirst into troubled waters. For those still doubting the need …
Improve Your Online Reputation this Summer
A strong online reputation has quite a few benefits Getting serious about online reputation management is a win on many fronts. You’ll draw in more customers, head of crises before they can get started, and build a cushion of goodwill that will protect you from the impact of negative incidents. …
5 Steps to Monitoring Your Online Reputation
A key component to any Internet reputation management plan Without a doubt, reputation is your most valuable asset, and these days the fate of that asset will be decided online. Before you can even begin to consider how to best protect and grow your reputation, you need to get familiar …