Evidence of a lack of crisis management concern? Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc. is recalling more than 40 lots of atorvastatin pills — the generic version of the popular statin Lipitor — over possible glass contamination. Statins, or lipid-lowering drugs, are among the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States. The …
The Cascading Decline at the BBC
Editor’s note: The following is a guest post from crisis management expert Michael Nayor. It originally appeared on his blog, Crisis Management for Business. Covering for an organization rarely works. Neither does the belief that an organization is so strong and respected that it exits on a level all its …
When to Talk, When to Walk
Help with crisis management for tricky media situations Most of the time when organizations are dealing with crisis management, their leadership is very concerned, often even intimidated by, the media. This often drives people to speak when they really shouldn’t, simply because they’ve had a microphone shoved in front of …
Walmart’s iPad Abuse Crisis
Ugly employee actions create reputation management crisis for retailer We’ve seen a growing number of YouTube-based crises created not by the actions organizations themselves, but those of employees. Domino’s was one of the first high profile cases, and this month Walmart joined the list. Four employees of a Pikeville, Ky. …
Bloomberg Scores with Sandy Crisis Management
Strong crisis communication helps keep residents safe through the hurricane When Hurricane Sandy came down on New York, the city looked to its mayor for leadership, and he didn’t disappoint. Using all of his substantial crisis management skills, Mayor Bloomberg kept his constituents protected through the power of information. You …
Yes Men Are a Crisis Management No-No
Don’t fall into this common crisis management trap Every crisis presents an opportunity to learn, even if those involved choose not to take the lessons to heart. Fortunately, through case studies we can discover how to best conduct ourselves and our organizations in order to mitigate crisis management risks. In …
Twitter’s Own Crisis Management
What crisis communications “must-do” did Twitter miss? If you have a Twitter account (and who doesn’t at this point?) you may have witnessed a bit of crisis management first-hand earlier this month. When a widespread security issue within the service put a large number of accounts at risk of being …
Dow’s Premature Release Crisis
Chemical company does some quick crisis management after announcement drops early Double checking your work is always important, and it’s even better to get a couple of other people to look it over for errors. The core reason behind this, at least from a crisis management perspective, is not simply …
Speaking Effectively for Crisis Management
Master this skill and boost your crisis management abilities Impressions are extremely important when it comes to crisis management, and the act of public speaking is perhaps the most vulnerable to creating the wrong one. There are those rare speakers that convey confidence and purpose while navigating the booby trap …
Apple’s Non-Apology Apology
Highly nontraditional crisis management aims to influence court of public opinion Apple and Samsung have been at war over patents since last summer, and the battle is showing no signs of cooling off. Samsung is no doubt deeply stung by its recent $1 billion loss to Apple in a U.S. …
Survival Tips After The Storm from FEMA
Many dangers remain after the storm itself has passed. Please take these after-storm survival tips from FEMA to heart, and don’t forget to share them with relatives, friends and neighbors! CPSC, FEMA and USFA Warn About Deadly Dangers After Hurricane Sandy Passes WASHINGTON, D.C. – Hurricane Sandy is a massive, …
Busted! Constant Recording as a Crisis Management Reality
Recording catches joyriding mechanics, highlights possibility of constant surveillance In our tech-heavy world, recording devices are everywhere. From the cell phones we all carry to the plethora of James Bond-esque gadgets available online, the chance of your actions being recorded at any given time is such that a prudent crisis …
KitchenAid Turns Social Media Fail into Reputation Win
How a nasty post became a boon for housewares giant Now Kitchenaid can add itself to the list of companies who’ve run into social media crises stemming from an apparent slip of the mouse. Right smack in the middle of last week’s presidential debate, this post went out from the …
Social Media Doesn’t Close for the Weekend
Use online reputation management to help you catch problems early, or risk walking into a full-blown crisis Monday morning We applaud social media networks for allowing us to communicate with the public on a massive scale, but it’s critical to remember that while many businesses may close for the weekend, …
High-Flying Crisis Management
Natural solution for a nature crisis When flora and fauna present us with crises, we’re quick to look toward technology for a quick fix. Often, however, there’s a more natural solution. This quote, from an OC Register article by David Bro, explains how the city of San Clemente is putting …