UnGoogle Yourself

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management Leave a Comment

Not everything on the Web is forever The general theory held by most people is that once something is published on the Web, it is all but impossible to remove. While this is true much of the time, in some cases you can actually modify or wipe damaging search results, …


Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management Leave a Comment

Saying the wrong thing during a crisis can make your organization look foolish Filled with quotes wherein “the speaker causes the listener to believe exactly the opposite of what was said,” Merrie Spaeth’s “Bimbo Awards” are a who’s who of bad crisis management. With the recent release of the “Bimbo …

New Crisis Manager

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis manager, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management Leave a Comment

Another new Crisis Manager newsletter is up on the BCM website! This week we feature articles from two different PR experts about issues that many crisis management professionals face. First up, a piece by Spanish PR pro Carlos Victor Costa that describes valuable lessons learned from the BP spill regarding …

Preparedness Pays

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis preparation, disaster preparedness

Officials at MeritCare Hospital in Fargo, ND, were recently rewarded for their crisis prevention efforts when they successfully evacuated 180 of their most delicate patients in the face of a raging blizzard. With a flood predicted, executive vice president Bruce Pitts was forced to make a move and, kept tight …

Another Professional Opinion

Jonathan Bernstein contingency planning, crisis management, crisis preparation, PR resources

“Perhaps not surprisingly I have recently had discussions with a number of CEOs concerning what politely we call Contingency Planning, or more brutally, Crisis Management. These discussions have ranged from a charity wanting advice in order to be prepared for difficult questions concerning donations, to companies investigating business-threatening product and …

They Assembled It Where?

Jonathan Bernstein crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention

As subscribers to my Crisis Manager newsletter may know, I am none too fond of Best Buy due to their consistently poor customer service. Unfortunately, a recent post on The Consumerist gives another example of Best Buy’s incredibly bad customer service that only serves to cement my opinion. Properly training …

Pilot Had Crisis Management Experience

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis preparation

Given my comment on my blog yesterday about the news of the US Airways crash into the Hudson River — pray first, analyze later — I found this article about pilot Chesley “Sully” Sllenberger interesting. He proves that being prepared for crisis means you can successfully handle crisis. Jonathanwww.bernsteincrisismanagement.com Added …

Great Crisis Leaders: 10 Key Characteristics

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations

In the recent article, Great Crisis Leaders: 10 Key Characteristics, by Pat Rowe, we are reminded of how leaderships’ core beliefs will affect the success or demise of a company or country. These steps include intellectual integrity, the ability to see the big picture, willingness to consider mutiple options, decisiveness, …

Bernstein Interview re Minimize Reputational Risks

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention

I was recently interviewed by Business Insurance magazine’s Gloria Gonzales for a story entitled “Preparedness can minimize reputational risks.” The story appeared in print, ran as a podcast, and is also available for you to hear as an .mp3 file, with the link printed by permission of Business Insurance.Your feedback …

Crisis Communication reality reveals a sad state of affairs

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis preparation, vulnerability audit Leave a Comment

An article published on BizCommunity.com outlines that with chaos abounding in the world, “research shows that within the next ten years, it’s unlikely that the majority of corporations would have engaged in comprehensive crisis preparedness and planning.” As the article states, “A company’s reputation is its greatest asset. It can …