Flow of Information

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

For effective crisis management, information needs to flow quickly to your target audiences. This past week communicators have done, by and large, a good job of using the various media channels available, especially social media. Relying on crisis communication protocols, the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, …

Communicating about Swine Flu

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response

I’d like to let all of my readers know that I’ll one of the speakers at a Ragan Communications webinar entitled, “Communicating the Swine Flu Crisis to Employees and Stakeholders.” The primary goal will be to educate communicators who are charged with handling this crisis. All aspects of crisis management …

Swine Flu Resource

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

Worldwide health care provider International SOS has created a web site solely to communicate important info about recent the swine flu outbreaks. The site should be of great use to anyone involved in creating crisis management plans as it has all the current news and recommendations regarding the new outbreak. …

Swine Flu Crisis Management Alert

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management

This is the entire special issue of “Crisis Manager” that I just distributed to subscribers about this subject. Look for updates on this blog soon. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ¤¤CRISIS MANAGER¤¤ BREAKING CRISIS ALERT Editor: Jonathan Bernstein, [email protected] “For Those Who Are Crisis Managers, Whether They Want to Be or Not” Circulation: 4,500+ …

Get Networked

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response

Before the digital age, the previous day’s happenings were often erased by today’s news. Now, the opposite is actually true. With so many people getting their news via the Internet, stories actually gather steam, being passed virally with opinions (both informed and otherwise) being tagged on willy-nilly. A recent article …

New Crisis Manager

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

The latest edition of Crisis Manager went out yesterday and is now posted to our site as well. I’ve still got Twitter on the brain and this issue features an article detailing my conversion from Twit-a-phobe to vocal supporter. We’ve also got a guest piece by Tony Lentini , President …

Preparation is Key

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

It can’t be said enough, thorough preparation is the key to successful crisis response. A reporter from Pacific Business News recently spoke to members of several crisis communications firms to prove this point using real world examples, including navigating clients through last year’s terrorist attack in Mumbai. From the article: …

Find Your Audience

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, public relations, reputation management

Tired of me talking about social media yet? You’d better get used to it because this former flavor of the month is garnering more attention than ever before. This story by Riverside Marketing President Heidi Cohen, run on Clickz.com, discusses the importance of a multichannel PR or crisis management approach …

When the Twit Hits the Fan

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, reputation management

With so much talk about Twitter recently I thought I’d share another article, this one from Advertising Age. Although many of these tips are standard crisis management, new tools do change the game. “You don’t have to bow to the Twitter torches and do everything they tell you to do,” …

That’s Not Sanitary

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, reputation management

Domino’s Pizza’s crisis management team definitely earned their paychecks this week. Last Monday, two employees posted a YouTube video which showed one of them doing various disgusting things to a Domino’s sub sandwich, including sticking cheese up his nose and, ahem, “passing gas”, on the salami. With the video garnering …

Protect Your Berries!

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis management consultant, Crisis Prevention

A BlackBerry containing information from both British cabinet members and the ex-deputy prime minister was recently recovered by UK police after being sold by a homeless man in South Yorkshire, England. This story from CrackBerry.com caught my eye because of the extremely lax way the owner of the phone (obviously …

Homeland Security Newsletter

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

The Homeland Security Newsletter is dedicated to delivering news related to both national and international security issues, covering topics from cyber-spies to aviation security and everything in-between. Along with being a good source of information, the incidents are often incredibly useful studies of crisis prevention and crisis response in action. …

Media Myths

Jonathan Bernstein communications, crisis communications, crisis management

It is very easy to get yourself in hot water when speaking to the media, be it be a traditional reporter, or one of the new breed of I-Reporters I’ve discussed in previous articles. Ross Goldberg, founder and president of Kevin/Ross Public Relations, offers “Ten Media Myths That Can Get …