A Healthy Dose of Fear

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention

If you’re even remotely involved in crisis management, then a couple weeks ago your desk was flooded with H1N1 flu warnings and preparations. The aim of many communicators was to prevent panic, and they were quite effective. Judith Analco of consulting firm EnviroKey says that may be a problem. In …

Reputation Remorse

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, reputation management

We’ve seen many public figures in dire need of reputation management, from Hollywood starlets to Wall Street Bankers and sports superstars. The fastest way to get past these problems is to first accept responsibility and apologize, then demonstrate to the public that you have changed your ways. Of course, they …

Put Down the Shovel

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, reputation management

Yesterday we talked about one of the crucial ingredients to successful reputation management, transparency. Today I’d like to take a look at another important aspect – customer service. This time, though, our story is an example of what not to do from Boston-based computer-repair service Geek Choice (no affiliation with …


Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, reputation management

There have been some spectacular crisis management disasters in the online tech world recently (#amazonfail anyone?), but how about a success story? This one comes from the usually tight-lipped 500 pound gorilla of the web, Google! When many of Google’s sites went down Thursday, there was an immediate backlash across …

Dealing with Delay

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, reputation management

“We may have to delay the Marathon at least three hours.” Few words can put a chill down a Marathon staff’s spine quite like “delay.” For runners and walkers who have their pre-event routine timed to the minute; any kind of a disruption is upsetting at the least, and devastating …

Rights? What Rights?

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, reputation management

We haven’t quite made it a week since the last crisis management disaster involving a major US company and here’s The Consumerist at it again, this time with a doozy of a story involving sporting goods giant REI and Loomis security. While Shane was standing in the customer service line …

Don’t Be A Boob!

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response

British retailer Marks & Spencer passed a public Crisis Management 101 pop-quiz with flying colors when, facing a campaign protesting its charging extra for bra sizes above DD, it decided to reverse the policy and issue a public mea culpa via full-page newspaper ad. Toting the bold headline, “We boobed.”, …

Kentucky Fried Crisis

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

Kentucky Fried Chicken is the latest big name to find themselves in need of some heavy-duty crisis management. Their super promo, a partnership with Oprah designed to introduce America to their new grilled chicken, seemed destined for success. A story from The Consumerist details what went wrong. What’s happening is …

CDC Crisis Management

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

Successful crisis managers learn the most from studying real-world situations. This recent article from AdAge.com dissects the crisis management strategies used by the CDC when reacting to the recent “swine flu” outbreaks. Although the story is directed towards marketers, I believe the tips within apply to any organization’s crisis prevention …