Have Some Sense!

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, media training

Republican Governors Mark Sanford and Sarah Palin (abetted by her attorney) have made quite a spectacle of themselves over the past week, putting on a stunning display of poor crisis management. A post from Doug Fisher’s blog, “Common Sense Journalism,” sums it up beautifully. Who exactly is advising these folks? …

Crisis Communication

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, media training

Governor Carcieri blew it. In his press conference, he often referred to the individuals who had been killed as “bodies,” rather than “victims.” Rather than starting the news conference by assuring the public that his prayers and thoughts were with the victims and their families, he rambled for more than …

New Crisis Manager

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, public relations

Hot on the heels of the last issue, there’s yet another new Crisis Manager up at the Bernstein Crisis Management website. We’ve got some excellent material in this edition. The first piece is an article that could help prevent 95% of all crises. The second is an analysis of a …

Coup Crisis

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, public relations, reputation management

Cruise giant Carnival is getting plenty of opportunities to put their crisis management strategies to the test. Having recently announced that their ships would not be visiting Mexican ports due to H1N1 risk, I’m sure the announcement of a military coup in the Honduras, another of their most popular ports, …

Crisis Simulation

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention

One of the best ways to learn how to handle a crisis is to simulate it. This way, you can identify gaps in crisis preparedness and work to close them before a real event occurs. To this end, the Kansas Emergency Management Agency has built “Crisis City,” a serious staging …

The Year in Crisis Management

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

The Institute for Crisis Management released their 18th Annual Crisis Report recently, which includes the important caveat that “This does not represent every crisis, but those business news editors determined of interest to their readers.” Compared to 2008, crises were up slightly. The most significant increase was in negative news …

They Lost What??

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Response

Airlines sometimes send luggage to the wrong city, but in this case one airline sent a child to the wrong state.This is not how you want the first line of a major news report about your company to look. Continental Airlines recently “lost” a ten-year old girl who was flying …

Pick Your Fights

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, public relations, reputation management

It’s no rare occurrence for a comedian to take some cheap shots at a politician, but when David Letterman compared Sarah Palin to a “slutty flight attendant” and insulted her daughter, she took exception. Palin made her anger known in several national TV interviews, throwing Letterman into crisis management mode …

Creating Faith

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, reputation management

After the stock market and financial fiascos of the past couple of years, many investors are still extremely reluctant to trust any business with their money. They have shown their lack of faith often by simply not investing, other times by forcing out the CEO’s who mismanaged their money. A …