Crisis at the White House – Party Crashers

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, media training

[Here’s a guest commentary from Andrew Gilman, President & CEO, CommCore Consulting] The nearly-famous (will they soon become infamous?) Michaele and Tareq Salahi, the Virginia reality-TV aspiring couple who crashed the White House state dinner last week, present crisis communications challenges for a number of parties (sic). Start with, but …

Brand Disasters

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, public relations

One important lesson for crisis managers is that the news media demand a “shorthand” way of identifying any story, and a company brand is a very convenient option, especially in a crisis. Witness the “BP Texas Fire”, the “Tylenol disaster”, the “Intel Pentium chip” failure, and the “Firestone tyre” scandal. …

New Crisis Manager Newsletter

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, media training

We’ve just uploaded a brand new Crisis Manager newsletter to our website! This issue features an article by BCM President Jonathan Bernstein, which uses the negative effects swine flu has had on businesses as a launching point to discuss ways to prevent consumers making decisions about your product based on …

My Take on Tiger Reported Accurately in Toronto Star

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management

Toronto Star sports columnist Dave Feechuk did a nice job of getting a cross-section of perspectives on Tiger Woods’ driving mishap in a piece today called “Tiger Hurt by Bunker Mentality.”  Quoted me accurately, too (thanks Dave, always appreciated!). One of my comments that didn’t make the cut for the …

KeepVault — Impressive and Low-Cost Online Backup Service

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management

I’ve long advocated the use of online backup systems for personal and business purposes.  Your location may burn to the ground or be rendered inaccessible by disaster, but you’ll still be able to retrieve your files.  Such systems have become increasingly low-cost and user-friendly, and the best one we’ve found …

Benefits of Blogging

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis public relations, reputation management

Acting as a low cost marketing, public relations and crisis management tool, blogs, both your own and others, can be a powerful utility for any organization. A post from explains further: Whether you create and manage one yourself or read and follow others, blogs provide the chance to really …

Mobile Workforce

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, public relations

A new survey is indicating that many employers may be in trouble in the coming year, as a full sixty percent of the members of the workforce polled indicated that they intended to leave their current job to pursue new opportunities as the economy improves through 2010. A quote from …

Kodak’s Camera Crisis

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, media training, reputation management

Brandy’s Kodak digital camera comes with several pre-set modes, one of which is “beach.” However, when her camera stopped working after a trip to the beach, she reports that Kodak’s mystifying response to her service request was that just because a digital camera has a setting for taking photos at …

Own Your Identity

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, internet reputation management

One of the biggest steps an individual or organization can take toward securing their identity is to lay claim to their own name on the Internet. Now, a new product from reputation management experts ReputationDefender, called NameGrab, is making that a lot easier.  As they explain it: Now, you can …

Hackers Help Develop Crisis Management Tools

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response

With coders from the likes of Google, Microsoft, NASA and Yahoo!, the hackers at the first ever Random Hacks of Kindness event are far from the stereotype most would imagine. These elite of the programming world gathered together at this contest to not only create tools for disaster relief, but …