Criminals Tweet Too

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, social media

One reason people love social media services is because they enable them to see where their friends are and what they’re doing. What many don’t realize is that this information is often available to anyone who visits their page or profile, including criminals. While it’s rare these days to find …

Google Dodges a Bullet

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management

Last week, Google launched an add-on to Gmail called Google Buzz. Almost immediately, the world howled with complaints that the product exposed users’ privacy by publishing lists of followers made up of the people a user e-mailed and chatted with most. This made Google Buzz a danger zone for reporters, …

High Stakes Litigation & Crisis Communications Podcast March 24

Jonathan Bernstein crisis litigation, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, reputation management

More and more often we are seeing successful lawyers and law firms reaching out to crisis management experts to manage their client’s message in the public eye. Regardless of how things are “intended” to run, a strong communicator can educate stakeholders and minimize reputation damage for those involved. On March …

What’s Important to You May Not Satisfy Your Stakeholders

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, media training, reputation management

Simply stating your case and letting it lie is a path that leads quickly to crisis. Unfortunately for many, this realization comes long after the time to act has passed. Recently, a WebWorkerDaily article interviewed several crisis management experts, including Jonathan Bernstein, and offered these thoughts on the right way …

Workplace Rumors

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention

The spread of misinformation can often be more damaging to a company than any real crisis. This is especially important in smaller organizations, where workplace rumors can cause enough concern and insecurity that morale and productivity suffers, and your best employees may decide they’d be better off working elsewhere. Rumors …


Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis manager, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, reputation management

This week’s guest article by Jacquelyn Lynn, managing editor of Flashpoints, sticks to the theme of crisis management in the workplace, offering several effective tips for stopping rumors before they can take hold. To subscribe to the free Crisis Manager newsletter, just click here. The BCM Blogging Team

Cultural Differences in Crisis Management

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, public relations

The Toyota brand is in serious danger. With more vehicles being added to their already-massive recall list almost daily, the Japanese automaker’s carefully crafted reputation is quickly degrading. One explanation for their seemingly relaxed crisis management may be cultural differences, as Weber Shandwick Japan CEO Akihiko Kubo pointed out in …

Pat Robertson is a Bimbo

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, reputation management

Televangelist Pat Robertson is no stranger to controversy. Last month, though, the Christian Broadcasting Network founder, who is a regular in the media, really outdid himself. Known for delivering quotes which would cause any traditional businesses’ crisis management team to blow several blood vessels, his latest comments earned him one …

Including Employees in Crisis Management

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, public relations

How your company communicates with its staff, clients and customers defines whether they respond by rising up in unison to support the business, or instead spread gossip on coffee breaks, complain loudly and publicly, and turn to the competition for inspiration. Nowadays crisis communications are a proven concept and their …

AA’s Crisis Management Prep Pays Off

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, public relations, reputation management

A false Twitter post, sent out shortly after the Haiti earthquake, stating that American Airlines was offering free flights to the island, caused the company to be flooded with phone calls, emails and many, many Tweets. The problem was exacerbated when popular Tweeters, including film critic Roger Ebert, re-Tweeted the …