According to a document on its website, as part of the ongoing crisis management measures for the Gulf oil spill the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is monitoring social media platforms where users are posting about the incident. The Eurasia Review reports: The NOC is only monitoring publicly available online …
Protecting Photocopiers
We store sensitive information on nearly every electronic device we own. Computers, cell phones, and PDA’s are all common sources of data loss. One device that many do not recognize as a serious risk, though, is your standard issue photocopier. CBS News explains why copiers, found in offices and public …
SEC Caught With Their Pants Down
It was late 2008 that the Securities and Exchange Commission disclosed to Congress that some employees, including 17 senior officers collecting salaries ranging from $100,000 to $222,000 per year, were caught watching pornography on the job during the then-unfolding financial crisis. Until recently the story had not caught on in …
J&J is No Longer the Crisis Management "Gold Standard"
Johnson & Johnson’s most recent recall, their third in less than a year, could be a serious blow to the company. Still conducting crisis management to cope with the effects of their last recall, the lackluster effort the company has made to cope with this new case appears to be …
Arguments in the Workplace – Crises Waiting to Happen
Playing referee among feuding employees is no easy task for small-business owners. Unlike their large-company counterparts, entrepreneurs typically don’t have the option of separating quarrelsome workers by relocating one to another office or department. But human-resources experts say reaching a resolution is critical, as frequent arguments between employees can result …
Goldman Sachs in the Hot Seat
Accused of duping investors in a civil lawsuit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Goldman Sachs has suddenly found itself in the proverbial hot seat, and this weekend Bloomberg News interviewed Bernstein Crisis Management President Jonathan Bernstein to get an idea of how well Goldman is doing and just …
Rothlisberger’s Apology Ineffective
Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Rothlisberger can’t keep himself out of trouble. Accused of, but not charged with, his second case of sexual misconduct in less than a year, it’s clear the man is making some bad decisions. Rothlisberger’s crisis management throughout both cases has been sub-par, and the statement he …
Tough Questions for Ripoff Report
The Ripoff Report. The very mention of the name is enough to make business owners and crisis management experts cringe. The popular site is often a source of controversy because postings, which can be 100% anonymous, can never be removed for any reason, even if refuted by the parties involved. …
Oil Spill’s Impact Spreads
The impact of crises are never felt only by those directly involved. For proof of this, look no further than the BP oil spill, which is now causing problems for seafood restaurants and vendors in Louisiana and other states surrounding the Gulf., has more information: The head of Louisiana’s …
Crisis Manager Interviews Ripoff Report
In this week’s issue of the Crisis Manager newsletter, BCM President Jonathan Bernstein interviews ED Magedson, founder and editor of a website anyone in crisis management will be sure to recognize, the “Ripoff Report.” The interview, which contains both Magedson’s responses and Jonathan’s commentary, asks, and hopefully answers, some common …
Playing Ostrich
Many businesses now have a documented crisis management plan – a backup strategy for dealing with a major crisis in the business such as a fire or theft. However, few businesses think ahead to an effective communication plan during a period of crisis. The global financial crisis is a good …
Handling the Media
Working with the media is an integral part of every crisis management plan. So much so, that just how well you handle this relationship can make or break your company or client’s reputation. In a recent article for, Thomas Murrell discusses the right way to do things during a …
Credit Card Crisis
Any time credit information is compromised it’s bound to cause a crisis, so when it was found that the credit card information of several users of, a site that allows users to share online purchase information, could be found via a simple Web search, people took notice. TechCrunch has …
BP’s Oil Rig Disaster
Last week’s explosion and sinking of an oil rig was just the latest in a series of disasters that have plagued petroleum giant BP. With several safety measures failing on their most high-tech and “safe” rig, the company will face investigations and questioning from several different sources. A quote from …
European Air Closure Draws Criticism
Across the continent, airports are operating and the airlines are flying again, but the complete halt to air transportation in Europe over the past week — the first such instance in history, with more than 100,000 flight cancellations — will be the subject of heated debate in the coming weeks …