This week’s issue of the Crisis Manager newsletter has just been added to the Bernstein Crisis Management page. Inside you’ll find two articles from BCM President Jonathan Bernstein. The first, a primer on creating a method for measuring success in crisis communications, offers a simple solution to an oft-asked question …
NASA’s Twitter Crisis
Last week NASA’s crisis prevention plans were put to the test when the Twitter account used by astronauts on space missions, @NASA_Astronauts, was hijacked and put to work broadcasting advertising spam. MSNBC reports: “Either NASA astronauts are really getting hit hard by Obama’s manned space program cuts or their Twitter …
Time to Get Social
Social media has become deeply entwined with crisis management, making both monitoring and responding to issues significantly easier, while simultaneously providing new opportunities for trouble. As is the case with nearly everything though, being prepared is half the battle. To that note, the Adland Upstart blog recently provided a list …
Apple’s Crisis Management a Success
Apple flunked its first response to the iPhone 4’s antenna problems, but the company turned everything around with a last-minute press conference and free bumper cases, one crisis communications expert said. “I think after a real slow start, they’ve done very well,” said Jonathan Bernstein, a crisis management specialist and …
BP Caught Altering Photo
It’s been a long season of embarrassment for BP, but leaking oil isn’t what the blogosphere is ripping the company for today. A site called Americablog spotted a press photo of BP’s Houston command center, ostensibly taken on July 16. The image had quite visibly been Photoshopped — badly — …
Fight Back Using the Journalistic Code
The immense competition for audiences and growing public desire for sensationalism has put a serious dent in the ethics of some reporters and, if you are caught unaware, it’s possible for one unscrupulous journalist to dish out an incredible amount of reputation damage with one well-placed article. Because of this, …
Crisis Management Success Story
The ultimate goal of crisis management is to turn the inevitable crises that occur into victories, with organizations learning from the experience and coming out stronger for it. In a post on his blog for the Free Management Library, Martin Keller describes the steps his team took to overcome the …
A Working Plan
Because of the stress and strain a crisis brings to any organization, having realistic, workable plans is crucial to success in crisis management. In a recent post on her blog, 2M Communications Ink, Margaret McGann provided an excellent list for ensuring your crisis communications plan is workable: 1. Avoid minutiae …
Seeking Examples of Journalistic Ethic Violations
For my newsletter, Crisis Manager, I’m developing a major article about Journalistic Ethics (please, no comments about oxymorons, two of my prior careers were as a journalist and as a member of military intelligence), I’m looking for generic, not specific examples of ethics violations. In other words, I don’t need …
Get Your Feet Wet
“If you’re going to tell your [brand] story in a world of blogs and streaming video, you better be able to communicate digitally,” summed up Hershey CFO Bert Alfonso. The many companies working on social media strategies, including Hershey, Sunny Delight and Best Buy, reflect management’s understanding that “sitting on …
iPhone 4 in Crisis
We have already taken the stand that Apple should consider itself in the midst of a crisis, and as iPhone 4 reception issues continues to irritate users and grab headlines worldwide there are few that would disagree. This quote from has more details about the actions (and lack thereof) …
Prepare for Breaches
Nearly every business collects some type of personal information these days, and whether it’s email addresses or credit card numbers, a data breach brings many questions and immediate reputation damage. As the following quote from a Property & Casualty article explains, it is crucial for organizations to include this possibility …
Dell’s Burning Issue
The past couple of weeks has seen the rise of a new issue for computer provider Dell as a recently-unsealed 2007 lawsuit charging the company with knowingly selling millions of faulty computers made headlines. PC Magazine has the details: Advanced Internet Technologies (AIT) sued Dell in 2007 over charges that …
Toyota’s Recovery
It was not long ago that the name Toyota was on the tip of everyone’s tongue, and the talk was anything but positive. After briefly ducking out of the spotlight, the Japanese automaker is attempting to mount a comeback, starting with new statements promising improvements in safety and communications. The …
Ask the Crisis Manager
In an effort to educate the public about the world of crisis management, Bernstein Crisis Management President Jonathan Bernstein presents Ask the Crisis Manager, a series of Q&A sessions featuring both Jonathan and selected members of the public. Offered exclusively as a service to subscribers of his Crisis Manager newsletter, …