New Crisis Manager

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis manager, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management Leave a Comment

Another new Crisis Manager newsletter is up on the BCM website! This week we feature articles from two different PR experts about issues that many crisis management professionals face. First up, a piece by Spanish PR pro Carlos Victor Costa that describes valuable lessons learned from the BP spill regarding …

Social Guidelines

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, reputation management, social media Leave a Comment

While the steps and theory involved in using social media for crisis management are a frequent topic on this blog, it is just as important to control who is interacting with your stakeholders and in what manner. In a recent article for the Social Media Examiner, Cindy King offered a …

Ready to Engage

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management Leave a Comment

As news headlines show us on an almost daily basis, many companies still neglect to prepare detailed and workable crisis plans, hindering their ability to react when disaster rears its ugly head. If your organization believes itself ready to actively engage in crisis management, go through this list of questions …

Twitter Delivers the News

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communication, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, reputation management, social media, Twitter

The Twitter stream alerted the news media to yesterday’s unfolding crisis at the Discovery building, reports Paul Farhi in today Washington Post.  In a piece that notes that “Tweet stream alerts news media to the unfolding crisis,” Farhi reports that “for the raw speed and real-time eyewitness accounts, it’s now …

Preparing for Disaster

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, disaster preparedness, disaster response

Donald Schmidt has 30 years of experience preparing for crises, and with Hurricane Earl still creating storms along the East coast we thought it was good timing to run an article by him regarding disaster preparedness in the latest Crisis Manager newsletter. A sampling: Hazard mitigation can substantially reduce the …

You Need Social Media

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, social media

Social media has become a “must have” in today’s business world, but fears about opening the floodgates for negative viral buzz still hold some back from participating. In an article for this week’s Crisis Manager newsletter, online marketing and branding expert Cindy Ratzlaff explains why staying out of the conversation …

New Crisis Manager

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis manager, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, internet reputation management

This week’s Crisis Manager features articles from two authors new to the pages of our newsletter. First up is an article by online branding and marketing expert Cindy Ratzlaff, named one of the top 30 Women Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter by Forbes, that explains how to defuse the fear …

Surviving a Recall

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, reputation management

“Recalls undermine trust in a specific brand and it can take the company a long time to recover from the damage to its reputation, but it doesn’t have to take a long time if the company uses good crisis management tactics,” Manpreet Hora, an assistant professor in Georgia Tech’s College …

Philippine Police Problems

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, reputation management

The Philippine police force is facing international criticism after their bungling of the recent hostage situation in Manila cost eight Hong Kong tourists their lives. Broadcast on nearly every major television network, the incident has destroyed any last remaining shreds of good reputation the force held on to and exposed …

Pirates Sink Their Own Ship

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, media training, reputation management

Sports teams are vulnerable to crises just like any other business, sometimes even more so because of the large sums of money and public interest involved. Fans of Major League Baseball’s Pittsburgh Pirates have become accustomed to their team bringing up the rear, but careless handling of questions regarding team …

Crisis Management Through the Customer’s Eyes

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response

I’m probably the last person you want to hear from now. I’m what you call a customer. Chances are, you don’t know me. You’re fast asleep when you fly over me on red-eyes. You profess undying love for me in company lore—and ignore me in practice. You’ve built a Byzantine …