Strong crisis communication prevents reputation damage The Red Cross is extremely experienced with social media, having been an avid and active user for years now, so when a rogue tweet went out from its Twitter account at nearly midnight last night, the organization was not caught flat-footed. The Tweet, from …
Thank You for Suing Us?
Why Taco Bell’s crisis management strategy doesn’t measure up Taco Bell’s response to claims that their taco filling does not actually qualify as beef was certainly unorthodox, but was it a success? Bruce Bonafede, president of Bonafere communications, doesn’t think so, and in an article for the latest Crisis Manager …
Crisis Manager Turns 11
Happy Birthday Crisis Manager! The latest issue marks the 11th year that the Crisis Manager newsletter has been in circulation, and as always it brings expert advice from professionals in communications, PR, and of course, crisis management. We start things off with an article by longtime friend and contributor Bruce …
Build Your Army
Treat them right, and customers will do battle for you The difference between a small hitch and extensive reputation damage is often the effort that is put into building relationships before the fact. Once you understand this, then, where do you begin? Marketing pro Peter Shankman gave his advice in …
Barack’s No Father-Figure
Obama’s leadership is no “how to” class In hard times, people turn to their leaders. For a business, this means the CEO, in the United States, it is the President. Even in the midst of a crisis, strong leadership can empower followers and turn things around. Unfortunately, Barack Obama has, at …
Badly Babbling Blogosphere
It pays to be part of the conversation, but how do you stay safe? How you react to discussions on the Internet can make or break your reputation. Responses to blogger’s comments, whether positive or negative, must be honest, tactful, and stay on message. In this week’s issue of Crisis …
Too Little Too Late
Be ready for online crisis response…or else The Internet is the center of information today. What this means for businesses is that when a crisis breaks, their fans, critics, and everyone in between will flock to the Web for the latest details. If this happens and the business has no …
Crisis Manager Newsletter
PR Disaster & Dealing with a Badly Babbling Blog It’s that time again, a new Crisis Manager newsletter is out, and with it comes more guest articles from professionals aimed at improving your crisis management skills. This week, our focus was on the topic of social media – Twitter, Facebook, …
What is Social Media?
And what can it do for me? Many business owners are still unsure what the purpose of social media is. Most have the general idea that it can be used for some type of marketing or communication, but the actual ins and outs are a mystery, and they often approach …
Keep it Honest
Stakeholders reward transparency in communication Maintain honesty and integrity: Every business model should be molded around these two pillars, but while you’re in the eye of the media, (more than ever) maintaining honesty and integrity is crucial. Executing this simple concept can be difficult, but if you’re at fault, accept …
UnGoogle Yourself
Not everything on the Web is forever The general theory held by most people is that once something is published on the Web, it is all but impossible to remove. While this is true much of the time, in some cases you can actually modify or wipe damaging search results, …
Lessons from Deepwater
BP insider gives observations on lessons to learn from the crisis The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was, hands down, the most talked about crisis of the last year. Overall BP received a serious bashing over its handling of the entire issue, especially after ex-CEO Tony Hayward’s series of bad quotes, …
Crisis Manager: Goodbye 2010 – Inside Deepwater
Crisis management tips and advice from the pros Our first Crisis Manager of the new year is here, and with it comes guest articles from two highly experienced professionals. First, we had the opportunity to bring to you an article by ex-BP head of communications Neil Chapman, that tells of …
Chik-fil-A Flubs Cri-sis Management
Lax response hurts popular fast food chain Executives at Chick-fil-A had these days circled on their calendars long ago: It was to be Spicy Chicken Biscuit Premiere Week, a public-relations-sparked rollout of the company’s most exciting offering since last year’s Spicy Chicken Sandwich. Then on Tuesday, Good As You broke …
Leadership in a Crisis
Crisis management starts from the top In times of crisis, people look to their leaders for guidance. Whether you’re a politician or the CEO of a company, you will be expected to be at the forefront of any crisis management efforts. In a recent blog post for the Harvard Business …