Handling Workplace Violence

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

Violence striking the workplace is a nightmare scenario for any organization. Unfortunately, the ugly reality is that these things can and do happen, as has once again been made apparent by several recent workplace shootings, all occurring within one week of each other. A recent article from BusinessInsurance.com featured an …

Misbehaving on Allegiant Air

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response

Anyone who has children knows they can be a handful, especially among the chaos of boarding an airplane, which causes stress to many adults. Apparently though, the folks at Allegiant Air are not too sympathetic. After an Arizona mom’s young children, with whom she was traveling alone, became restless and …

Evolution of Communication

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, public relations

Crisis communications is a constantly changing field. In his article, “The Evolution of Crisis Communication,” written for the latest Crisis Manager,Thomas E. Lee uses his experiences, both past and present, to create a list of five principles integral to crisis communications success in 2009. How are the rules different now, …

Tools for Twitter

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, media training, public relations, social media

Though I’ve mentioned tools for Twitter many times before, the technology custom-crafted for the service changes almost daily. A recent Wall Street Journal Online article detailing the latest in “must-have” software explains the need for these utilities: Twitter’s popularity as a customer-service and public-relations tool for businesses is growing. But …

New Crisis Manager

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, public relations

Hot on the heels of the last issue, there’s yet another new Crisis Manager up at the Bernstein Crisis Management website. We’ve got some excellent material in this edition. The first piece is an article that could help prevent 95% of all crises. The second is an analysis of a …

Crisis Simulation

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention

One of the best ways to learn how to handle a crisis is to simulate it. This way, you can identify gaps in crisis preparedness and work to close them before a real event occurs. To this end, the Kansas Emergency Management Agency has built “Crisis City,” a serious staging …