Benefits of Blogging

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis public relations, reputation management

Acting as a low cost marketing, public relations and crisis management tool, blogs, both your own and others, can be a powerful utility for any organization. A post from explains further:

Whether you create and manage one yourself or read and follow others, blogs provide the chance to really create a sense of community with your current and potential customers. They also allow for you, the company, to provide content that is valuable to your customers rather than simply advertising to them. The Internet makes it possible for customers to find you, even searching for your company by the services you provide or the content you provide online.

Here at Bernstein Crisis Management it’s become commonplace for us to launch one, or even multiple, blogs for clients as part of PR campaigns, and of course we maintain this blog regularly as a SEO tool and communications channel for our own business. In addition to the communications benefits, blogs may also be utilized to boost your main website’s visibility when people search for you on the Web. This way you can not only be the first to present your message, but can encourage customers to bring complaints to you first, rather than the media.

The BCM Blogging Team