Be The Source

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, reputation management, social media Leave a Comment

Take charge of communication

You always want to be the primary source of information in a crisis. The best way to do this in today’s climate of near-instantaneous communication is to answer stakeholders’ questions before they’re ever asked, a crisis management tactic described here in a quote from a Mashable article by Levick Strategic Communications’ Patrick Kerley:

Today’s consumers are as informed as ever and will likely hear about a recall the moment it is announced. Further, as with so many industries, a push to put data and tools on mobile devices means consumers will have access to information anywhere.

For example, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have released a new mobile app that enables consumers to access up-to-the-minute information on product recalls directly from the retail store aisles.

The same savvy consumers who take advantage of mobile technology will likely be the most outspoken and the most apt to connect online. They will turn to the company’s website or social media profiles to find out the specifics of the recall and to provide commentary of their own. Before this crucial early adopter/early responder audience begins researching and posting about a recall, it is important that information about the recall be readily available. Without your information, consumers will be left to make their own determinations — which could have dangerous consequences on both their safety and the trust they put in your company.

Consumer’s personal determinations will not be the only factor in a situation like this, though. Reporters, bloggers, and many other individuals will be weighing in as well, and if you do not shine in the role of information dispensary then someone who may not necessarily have your best interests in mind will gladly fill the gap.

The BCM Blogging Team

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