Ba-Da Bing!

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, public relations

Whether your business is crisis management or something else, a search engine is probably your most frequently visited site. The latest entry to the market is Bing, brought to you by a name few would have difficulty recognizing, Microsoft. Touted not only as a search engine but also a “decision engine,” it offers a set of user-friendly tools on top of the standard search box. Additionally, it has some very handy built-in features, including the Price Predictor, a tool that’ll tell you the best time to purchase plane tickets or hotel rooms in order to save money!

We’ll see if Microsoft can make any dent in the overwhelming market share held by Google. Others have tried and failed. But it’s a beautiful interface, graphically, and I’m going to enjoy experimenting with it. And, most importantly (of course), its algorithm very accurately ranks my consultancy higher than any of my competitors :-)


Jonathan Bernstein