Speak Carefully

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Choose your words carefully or your reputation will suffer

Merrie Spaeth’s BIMBO Awards are a constant reminder of the power that words carry and the danger of using them without thinking. The latest edition of the BIMBOs features a medley of examples, including this outstanding one:

“The crisis was not caused by Wall Street fat cats,” said negotiator Steve Eckhaus, when asked about rising compensation and bonuses for his clients. (We think pay packages are sometimes out of line, but we recognize government intervention only makes things worse. However, Mr. Eckhaus strains his credibility when he adds his clients are “pure as the driven snow.”  Given the amount of self-dealing and back scratching, we think financial district snow has had more than a few dogs walking on it.)The Wall Street Journal, “Wall Street Lawyer: Don’t Blame Pay,” Feb. 5, 2011

It’s important for anyone involved with crisis management to realize that the media will immediately seize upon sensational or damaging terms; whether they are in context doesn’t matter in the slightest. By using the term, “Wall Street fat cats,” in an attempt to defend his clients, Eckhaus actually labeled them as such, making his job that much more difficult.

The BCM Blogging Team

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