Carnival’s Crisis Management

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis public relations, Crisis Response Leave a Comment

Good crisis management planning can carry you through a difficult situation

Any travel-related business holds inherent risks, it’s just the nature of the industry. Political situations change, weather doesn’t take requests, and even the best kept machines break down from time to time, as in the case of Carnival cruise line’s ship Splendor, currently being tugged hundreds of miles back to port in San Diego after experiencing an engine fire near the Mexican Riviera.

It appears that Carnival staff has included such possibilities in its crisis management training, though, as communication painting the situation in a good light has been steadily flowing from spokespeople to the media. A quote, from ABC News:

Passengers were being entertained with acoustic music, board games, dancing, trivia contests and even a scavenger hunt for children, (Carnival spokesman) Gulliksen said.

“Overall, generally, the mood on the ship is good,” he said. “The passengers have been very understanding.”

Carnival’s President also quickly issued an acknowledgement of sympathy and a promise to both reimburse passengers and issue vouchers for future cruises with the company. While obviously the situation is far from ideal, thanks to quality communication and the efforts of crew on board the Splendor, Carnival should come out unscathed.

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