The Twitter stream alerted the news media to yesterday’s unfolding crisis at the Discovery building, reports Paul Farhi in today Washington Post. In a piece that notes that “Tweet stream alerts news media to the unfolding crisis,” Farhi reports that “for the raw speed and real-time eyewitness accounts, it’s now virtually impossible for the mainstream media to keep pace with the likes of Twitter. The service enables anyone equipped with a smart-phone to tell the world what he or she sees in 140-character bursts.
This quote from a Capitol Communicator news article is yet more evidence pointing to the fact that Twitter has become a valid news platform. In fact, the ability for regular citizens to become eyewitness reporters or assist with crisis management in extraordinary situations has pushed Twitter far beyond what any mainstream media source is capable of. Providing not only the ability to conduct two-way conversations, but also opening a public forum for repetition and discussion of happenings and ideas, Twitter will continue to be at the forefront of breaking news and crises.
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