Apple’s Crisis Management a Success

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, reputation management

Apple flunked its first response to the iPhone 4’s antenna problems, but the company turned everything around with a last-minute press conference and free bumper cases, one crisis communications expert said.

“I think after a real slow start, they’ve done very well,” said Jonathan Bernstein, a crisis management specialist and tech enthusiast. Apple chief executive Steve Jobs initially came across as arrogant and uncaring, Bernstein said, but ultimately the company was candid in explaining what went wrong with the iPhone 4 and how it would be fixed.

As BCM President Jonathan Bernstein states in this quote from a PC World article, Apple seems to have finally woken up and put a legitimate crisis management plan into action. With Steve Jobs himself delivering the public mea culpa and offering free Bumper cases or even full refunds to anyone interested, the temporary rift between Apple its infatuated users appears to be on the mend. Its stock price certainly reflects that!

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