BP Caught Altering Photo

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, reputation management

It’s been a long season of embarrassment for BP, but leaking oil isn’t what the blogosphere is ripping the company for today. A site called Americablog spotted a press photo of BP’s Houston command center, ostensibly taken on July 16. The image had quite visibly been Photoshopped — badly — to include more on-screen camera action.

This quote describes yet another in a long chain of embarrassments for BP. The image edited was nothing sensitive, simply an incongruous shot of workers and monitors showing various parts of the damaged platform, but the fact that the oil giant continues to break the rules of crisis management, including lying at a time when it’s main goal should be rebuilding trust, is simply inexcusable. Although BP admitted to the alterations, media outlets all over the U.S. picked up the story, piling yet more reputation damage atop BP’s already formidable pile.

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