Playing Ostrich

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management

Many businesses now have a documented crisis management plan – a backup strategy for dealing with a major crisis in the business such as a fire or theft.  However, few businesses think ahead to an effective communication plan during a period of crisis.

The global financial crisis is a good case in point.  Instead of taking a proactive approach with their clients, many businesses chose the ‘ostrich’ option.  That is, put their head in the sand, hope it will all go away soon and that clients will leave them alone until it’s over!

This quote from a post on the Clarity Press blog discusses a problem that confounds many businesses once things go awry. The tendency to play ostrich is one that BCM President Jonathan Bernstein has also discussed, and is, unfortunately, a very common reaction by businesses when confronted with the need for crisis management. Focusing on open, honest communication with stakeholders will not only help you move past a crisis, but improve your business by helping you to learn what these stakeholders want and need from your organization.

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