Doing crisis management right often means finding your own silver lining
When you hear the name Marilyn Monroe, deep thoughts are probably the last thing that comes to mind, but poke around a bit on the web and you’ll find the woman known best for her glamorous image was surprisingly intelligent. In fact, according to IMDB, she possessed an impressive IQ of 168! Check out this week’s crisis management quotable, direct from The Blonde Bombshell herself:
Within crisis, are the seeds of opportunity. — Marilyn Monroe
Sure, avoiding crises altogether is ideal, but in the real world that just isn’t always possible. What you can do, however, is look for chances to introduce positivity into a negative situation.
Whether it’s proving your commitment to customer service by publicly rectifying a complaint on social media, or bringing representatives from concerned stakeholder groups on board to ensure a major issue is resolved (and convert them to brand advocates in the process) in many situations it is entirely possible to wind up with your reputation in a better place than it was before you ran into trouble.
Erik Bernstein
Social Media Manager