Presidents get about 210 days to get their vision launched, their dreams in wide circulation, and to marshal their forces to achieve what they set out to accomplish. Then the postmortems begin, coupled with midterm elections. Following the midterms, comes to 24-month effort at reelection. This president has effectively missed three crucial milestones to his future success: the failure to state a vision this country could strive for (“change” is a jingle, not a vision); failure to assemble a credible, powerful, highly accomplished national team; and failure to execute a credible, productive sense of urgency or crisis management so necessary to mobilize public attitudes and public support.
The President is the most visible CEO and crisis manager in the world. This quote from what could be called a “crisis management report card,” posted on Jim Lukuszewski’s “Crisis Guru” blog, sums up the lackluster performance of the Obama administration. Their crisis management has been largely nonexistent, with most issues Obama promised to change remaining unaffected and in some cases in worse shape than they were previously.
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