Kodak’s Camera Crisis

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, media training, reputation management

Brandy’s Kodak digital camera comes with several pre-set modes, one of which is “beach.” However, when her camera stopped working after a trip to the beach, she reports that Kodak’s mystifying response to her service request was that just because a digital camera has a setting for taking photos at the beach, that doesn’t mean that you should actually take it to the beach.

This quote from a recent feature by The Consumerist is a shining example of why it pays to include everyone who interacts with either your customers or the media in your organization’s crisis management training. Had Kodak taken the time to provide their reps a more “politically correct” way of informing people that they should use protective sleeves and covers when taking a camera out in the elements, they could have easily prevented this damage to their reputation.

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